Schools Advocating for Fair Funding

Comparison Data

Where do you live?

Districts rely on school operating levies to maintain current programming or reduce budget cuts. The cost to the local taxpayer for school levies is based on the individual property wealth of the school district. Taxpayers in low-property wealth districts can pay up to four times more for the same size school levy.

Erosion of Affordable Levies

In 1995, the cost of a voter-approved referendum dollar was nearly uniform across the state. The state accomplished this by providing equalization aid to pay a portion of the referendum. However, because that aid is not indexed to inflation, the burden has shifted back to the local taxpayer.

Compare Taxpayer Cost for Current Levies

The taxpayer cost for school operating levies varies significantly across the state. When the cost is high, low-property wealth communities cannot support higher value school levies, which results in less funding and a loss of educational opportunities for the children in these districts. 

Reliance on using local school levies masks the lack of commitment by the state. On average, school districts have more funding today than in 2003.  However, much of the gain is due to increased property taxes and not state aid. Too many districts have not been able to access enough local school levy revenue to avoid budget cuts in their programming.

Please Note: Data for these charts were taken from the MDE 2023 End of Session Forecast, they will be updated once the 2024 End of Session Forecast is released.

General Education Funding Comparison

General education funding is most of the operating budget a district receives to run their schools.

Understanding Minnesota’s Education Opportunity Gap

Capitol Pizza
  • Let this fun short video explain why the quality of a child’s education varies based merely on where they live in Minnesota.
  • In the next legislative session, you can rally around the comprehensive SAFF school levy tax relief and reform bill to eliminate the glaring inequities in educational opportunities based merely on a student’s zip code.
  • Join us in advocating for the SAFF school levy tax relief and reform bill during the next Legislative Session.