Schools Advocating for Fair Funding

Legislative Priorities

The Minnesota Legislature and Governor are constitutionally obligated to provide the foundation resources so all children succeed. If they do not, students lose the educational opportunities that they need and deserve.

Our 2025 Legislative Platform

All communities value their local schools and must have equal access to affordable levy revenue so their students can have the same educational opportunities seen in high-property wealth school districts.  SAFF’s top legislative priority is a comprehensive school levies tax relief and reform bill.  Over the summer, SAFF worked with members of our organization and Capitol Hill Associates to craft the legislation.

Legislative Plank #1: Make Education-Related Levies Fairer & More Consistent by

  • Converting all equalization formulas to fixed percents of property tax wealth per pupil instead of fixed dollar amounts of property wealth per pupil. The current system relies too heavily on the latter format, which erodes state funded equalization as property valuations naturally increase. The former method will help keep state equalization support more consistent over time.

Legislative Plank #2: Improve the Stability of School Funding to Promote Greater Fairness

  • Make certain that the new programs enacted in 2023—particularly the expansion of unemployment insurance and the investments in curriculum acquisition and professional development in the Read Act—are fully funded and that new cross-subsidies are not created for school districts to navigate.
  • Increase and improve the amount of equalized Local Option Revenue a district can generate to the statewide average operating referendum revenue amount per pupil unit to provide support for districts without operating referenda.
  • Increase and improve the amount of equalized revenue districts can access through the Long-Term Facilities Maintenance Revenue formula.
  • Improve the Equity Formula to help districts that don’t receive resources either through the current array of categorical formulas or the operating referendum. Proper levy equalization programs promote tax fairness and help narrow funding gaps between high property wealth and low property wealth school districts.

What is Fair?

Districts rely on school levies to make up for inadequate state funding.

  • The state is spending $1,600 per pupil less on today’s students than the children in the classrooms in the early 1990s due to the inflationary erosion of the basic formula.
  • The average unfunded cost of providing mandated special education funding is over $800 per pupil.
  • Other funding streams for English language learners, transportation, and children living in poverty have stagnated.

SAFF Leads on School Levy Property Tax Bill

In the next legislative session, education advocates can rally around the comprehensive SAFF school levy tax relief and reform bill to eliminate the glaring inequities in educational opportunities based merely on where a student lives.

Overcoming Inadequate State Funding?

Operating levies among school districts range from over $2,500 per pupil to $0.