School Funding 101
Learn how our schools are funded by watching this webinar given by SAFF to school board members and community members from the Northfield School District.
Watch the school funding video >
The quality of Minnesota’s public schools depends on the actions taken at the state level. However, the legislative process can seem confusing and overwhelming at first. Yet as citizens, it is important for us to weigh in on issues that affect our lives and our children’s education. To engage in the process, it helps to become familiar with how it works.
A five-minute YouTube video describing the basic legislative process.
Everyone in Minnesota is affected by the laws passed by our legislature. Understand how laws are made.
Find a wealth of information on our state legislature’s website.
Start here when you want to learn about the process of getting laws passed.
Be an Advocate
- Learn how schools are funded. Exploring this website will provide a good base.
- Get to know your legislators. Legislators try their best to represent their constituents. Therefore, they need to hear from the people they represent.
- Discuss your concerns with others and encourage them to get involved. Talk with other parents, your neighbors, and friends about your shared concerns. Share with them how important it is that they get involved.
- Know when your legislator and other key officials. Knowing the right time, the right information, and the best communication method can make all the difference in advocating for your children and their schools.
Why do our schools continue to struggle financially?
- State funding has not kept pace with rising costs, unfunded mandates, and growing expectations.