Be an Advocate
Quality education for all children is just one of many issues before our state leaders. For education to remain a priority, state legislators must hear from education advocates from across the state. Together, we can all make a difference! by being informed and engaged in the legislative process.
Learn how schools are funded
Exploring this website provides a good base.
Stay Informed
Our communications keep you informed so you are armed with the information you need to engage in the process
Educate and engage your community
Discuss your concerns with others and encourage them to get involved. Talk with other parents, your neighbors, and friends about your shared concerns.
Learn about the decision makers
Find out who has the most influence in making decisions on education finance and policy. We also makes it easy to contact key legislators.
We can help!
Legislative Training
We can meet with large or small groups to introduce essential school funding, the legislative process, tips for effective citizen lobbying, and suggestions for developing a local legislative network. These meetings can range from an information gathering with one or several people at a local coffee shop to a more formal PowerPoint presentation for a larger group.
Capitol Visits
For school board members, parents, and community members interested in scheduling a trip to the Capitol, we can accompany you during your visit, assist in arranging meetings with your legislators, and provide an update on legislative activities.
Ongoing Support
Feel free to call or email with questions or comments.
More ways to advocate
- Get to know your state legislators.
- Know how to write effective emails to legislators.
- Visit the State Capitol to meet with your local legislators.
- Get engaged in the legislative process by meeting with the education committee chairs and attending education committee meetings.
- Start a legislative action committee for your school district.